What is a patch test?

A patch test is a simple way of checking that skin is not allergic to a new skincare product. When you use any new skincare product it is always recommended you always patch test prior to use.

Why is a patch test important?

A patch test is important to clarify if you can use a new product safely.

Only one product at a time can be patch tested.


Patch testing is simple. Please follow the steps below:

1.    First choose the area of skin you will be using for the patch test. The area should be visible and able to be easily monitored for any changes, such as the side of your forehead or neck, the underside of your jaw, inner forearm or crook of the elbow. Traditionally, behind the ear is recommended as the ideal place to carry out a patch as the skin can be a little more reactive here, as it is in the crook of the elbow and under the wrist, which also make these areas good, and perhaps more practical, to carry out an effective patch test as it can be trickier to fully see and monitor the area behind yourself. Please choose your patch area carefully and make sure it is one which is clearly accessible to you.

2.    Then clean and dry the area. It is important that there are no other products on the skin in the area being tested, in order that the product being tested can be done so properly. It is also important that you can comfortably leave this area alone for up to 24 hours.

Clean the area by washing and then ensuring the skin is completely dry. This is to make sure the area is not contaminated with any other product/s before beginning thus ensuring that you can be certain it is the product being tested causing a reaction if you experience one.

3.    Apply a small amount of the individual FUME BY FH product to an area of clean and dry skin.

4.    Now wait for 24 hours. Of course, if in the meantime you experience and itching, redness, pain or other irritation symptoms please immediately and wash with cool water.

5.    After 24 hours analyse the area. If you see some redness it is possible that you may have experienced a mild allergy. If skin is itchy, red, raised or you see a rash then you may have a more severe allergy to the product. If you are not certain or you have a history of severe reactions to skincare products then it makes good sense to talk to your doctor, allergy specialist or dermatologist prior to applying the product anywhere on your skin.

6.    If you experience an allergic reaction of any kind please consult your doctor immediately.

Of course, if you do not experience any adverse reactions to the product being tested it is probably safe to use and you can go ahead and begin using it. However, if you do experience any reaction at any stage of using any FUME BY FH product please discontinue use immediately and contact your doctor.

Fiona Harlowe is not be liable for any damages, including consequential damages of any kind that may result from use of any and all of her FUME BY FH skincare products. Please see PRECAUTIONS AND DISCLAIMER.