Fiona believes that a passion for exploring and understanding human anatomy is the key to unlocking an exceptional facial practice which achieves outstanding, sustainable and visibly dramatic results to the face.

She creates inclusive and welcoming online workshops to share her own facialist approach and advanced Artisan Anatomy perspectives. These workshops are open to everyone no matter where you fall on the holistic-aesthetic scale as good anatomical understandings are the bedrock to all of our practice.

Come on this journey of exploration and wonder into the wonderful world of Artisan Fascia Anatomy.

Building upon anatomical curiosity AND ASKING “what lies beneath the skin?”

In her Artisan Fascia Anatomy facial approach Fiona combines her genuine enthusiasm and personal passion for human anatomy with the soft tissue techniques and bodywork perspectives she has adapted and modified specifically to create lift and sculpt and define facial features. Lift in the face and lift in how you feel about yourself as a whole.

Fiona applies specific types of tension, compression and movement in combination with particular pace, rhythm, skill and drive to stimulate collagen and elastin production whilst simultaneously hydrating the tissues at a cellular level. Essentially, we mirror on top of the skin the interplay of tension, compression and movement of the fascial nets themselves which lay underneath the skin to lift, tone and reshape the face.  

Our touch, along with our intention and open, compassionate heart communicates and conditions the fibril matrix (the fibrils being made of collagen and elastin) and increases the uptake of hydrophilic jelly to successfully lubricate and hydrate the tissues. 


 “Of course fascia is no more important than any other structure in the body, but what is does do is offer us unique and new ways into fresh explorations of the body.” FH

Fascia is nothing new! Just because it’s only being fully recognised now as an important and key tissue doesn’t mean it hasn’t been in our bodies all along! Of course it has! But exploring the body, and certainly the face, from a myo/fascial perspective is new!

With the superficial fascia being arguably the most important tissue for manual therapists, and especially facialists, given our connection to the skin!

Working with a unique whole body approach Fiona uses spatial medicine {postural alignment} combined with targeted massage techniques to help bring a self-sensed awareness of the physical body. By asking ourselves how we are holding our centre of gravity we begin to access quickly deep understandings of our innermost self and how to reintegrate the face, head and neck into the body and reimagine our personal sense of wholeness.

Fascia is the connected cosmos within which everything in the body is held. Our body can be understood to mirror our fertile emotional terrains, hence all facial massage and bodywork, including Fiona’s Artisan Fascia Anatomy practice, does not work simply at a physical level; it also works at a nervous system level {emotional, thought, memory}.  Artisan Fascia Anatomy is not something done to the client but rather a co-creation of space with the client held with tenderness and compassion to support a homecoming to self and a remembrance of physical, emotional and spiritual homeostasis {balance}.  


Adapting fascia focused soft tissue techniques for the face Fiona has created a practice specifically for facialists and those treating the face.

Fiona breaks down this Artisan Fascia Anatomy methodology into accessible, and easily adapted, soft tissue techniques which you can simply integrate into your own practice, wherever your practice falls on the holistic-aesthetic scale.

Here is a short clip from one of Fiona’s workshops, Fascia Massage Techniques for Facialists: